Thursday, April 14, 2011

Home Made Green Pop Tarts

I've been thinking a lot about foods that we think of as savory or sweet and making them their opposite. An example of this came up at lunch the other day when my aunt suggested a savory pop tart. This idea intrigued me and I soon began looking for dough recipes. I wanted the dough flaky, and I was afraid using a regular dough recipe would not be the right texture. I was also trying to avoid using shortening. The L.A Times about a month ago, had a feature on  making home made pop tarts. I ended up using their recipe for dough and the rest of the article as a very loose guideline in assembling of the tarts.
Collard and Onion Paste
For the filling I used caramelized onions, collard greens, a mix of feta and fat free ricotta, salt and pepper. I started by caramelizing two good size onions. As the onions were finishing, I tossed in the collards to let them cook down for a few minutes. When everything looked about done, I put my collard and onion mixture into a food processor.

I then added about a cup and a half of crumbled feta and a cup of ricotta to the green mixture. Then comes the filling of my little green pop tarts. The L.A Times has a little bit of a complicated rolling out and cutting process involving the use of a ruler. I ditched the ruler making my pop tarts not very uniform in size, I also knew I had more filling than dough and not wanting to waste any of my tasty green filling, they would not be anemic filled pop tarts.  We spread the filling out on one side of thinly rolled dough, and then placed the other side on top. Cutting each long strip into about four good size pop tarts and leaving one little square tart.

Our finished product was delish. It tasted a little like spankakopita but with the inclusion of caramelized onions it had a slight sweetness to it. They were filling and flaky and once again it's a tart that can be eaten at any time of day. My tarts are not as aesthetically appealing as real pop tarts but it's something to work on. I am already thinking of other vegetables that can be used for filling these retro hand held pastries.

Cooling Tarts

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Ann Beurskens said...

Katie these look amazing. How 'bout making some for Easter as hors'dourves?

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful and tastey.